Category: choices

Tribalism or togetherness?

Tribalism or togetherness? Recent events have made me think about our church gatherings and what makes us so glad to be part of a body of believers, worshipping together in [...]

Slipping through the gap

Slipping through the gap We live in a society where sin has increasingly been redefined and in some cases, even seen as good rather than bad. But we deal with [...]

The path less well travelled. 

The path less well travelled. We are all given the same two choices in life, there are two gates through which we could enter. The wide gate which has a [...]

Keep going and keep sowing!

Keep going and keep sowing! Today, I believe God is encourages us to keep doing as He’s asked us to do and sow seed where He decides. The important thing [...]

God is always faithful

God is always Faithful! Today, I am once again blown away by the love and faithfulness of our God toward us. If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot [...]

Let the Redeemed of the Lord say so!

LET THE REDEEMED OF THE LORD SAY SO! With all the competing voices we hear in life, do you feel you never get to have your say? Or perhaps you’ve [...]

Are you ready to preach?

Are you ready to preach? This might seem like a question for preachers and pastors, but I believe it’s for all of us. Often without knowing it, we all proclaim [...]

Choose to walk in wisdom

Choose to walk in wisdom Paul gives a little advice on walking in wisdom and making the most of our time in his letter to the Ephesians. Look carefully then [...]