A Christmas ADVENTure 2 of 4 – GOD’S PERFECT TIMING Pt 2
‘But when the right time came, the time God decided upon, He sent His
son, born of a woman, born as a Jew’ – Galatians 4:4
Let us continue with this thought on God’s perfect timing. Part of God’s perfect timing
was that the predominant language of the day was Greek, a very expansive and
expressive language. The New Testament is written predominantly in Greek, so the
timing of the best language had to be perfect. That was part of God’s perfect plan.
Then there was the Pax Romana, which is Latin for Roman peace, which was the long
period of relative peace and minimal expansion by military force experienced by the
Roman Empire in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. The Romans built straight roads which
were regularly garrisoned and because of this the expansion of Christianity was made
relatively easy through safer travel and of course the Romans brought crucifixion to
Palestine, which was God’s choice of death for His Son! And let us not forget that
because of the Pax Romana, the gospel came to the shores of Britannia, and thereafter
most of the world, especially Africa, China and India! And not forgetting of course
through the UK the gospel reached the shores of the USA.
And then there was the spiritual climate, which was perfectly timed by God! Because of
the Babylonian Exile of Judah some 4-500 years earlier, Judaism slowly began to
spread through the Gentile nations and many converts to Judaism were made! This is
clear to see on the day of Pentecost when 3,000 converts were made in a moment,
many of these were probably Gentile proselytes! And because of all this, the climate
was ripe to fulfil prophecy, which stated that the Gentile nations would see a great light!
So, the communication climate was just right. The geographical climate was just right,
and the spiritual climate was just right and ripe for the incarnation of the Messiah. What
does this tell us? Well for me, it reminds me that no matter how long I have to wait for
God’s timing, in the long run it is worth waiting for! God can change things in a twinkling
of an eye! From Malachi to Matthew there are 400 years. 400 years without a word from
God, and then suddenly, in the blink of an eye, there are angels galore, miracle babies
and the most liberating good news ever spoken!
Heavenly Father God. Thank you for this wonderful time of year. Thank you
that at just the right time, when the conditions were right for Messiah to be incarnated
He was, in your way, your place and in your time. God, your timing is so perfect and I
know you are orchestrating events on my behalf so that I may fulfil your calling upon my
life and to fulfil your purposes in your way and in your time. Thank you again for the
beautiful words in Ecclesiastes “He has made everything beautiful in its time”. Thank
you Father that when everything falls into place in your time and by your will, it is then
beautiful. The timing for the incarnation was beautiful, and because of it the one born
was, is and will ever be beautiful. Thank you heavenly Father for your beautiful and
perfect timing. Amen.
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