We can choose to begin each day in one of two ways, we could begin by thinking of the things we don’t have or begin by giving thanks for all we do have.
We may not always feel like life is going well for us. There might even be times when you’ve felt so low that you can see nothing to be thankful for. But even in those low times, we can be thankful to the God of our salvation and look to Him for our rescue.
Though the fig tree may not blossom, Nor fruit be on the vines; Though the labor of the olive may fail, And the fields yield no food; Though the flock may be cut off from the fold, And there be no herd in the stalls— 18 Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. – Habakkuk 3:17,18
The Psalms are full of thanksgiving and there is never a shortage of things to thank God for. If we could see nothing else to thank God for, then we can thank Him for His great mercy toward us.
Psalm 136 is a wonderful song of thanksgiving which begins
Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good Take control of your thoughts ! For His mercy endures forever. - Psalm 136:1.
It goes on to encourage us to give thanks to God for the magnificence of His being (verses 1-3) and for His manifold blessings (verses 4-25). Every verse is punctuated with the phrase ‘for His mercies endure forever’.
Spurgeon points out that it was continually sung in the temple by chosen singers such as Jeduthun and Heman. He also makes this wonderful statement: “if Jehovah’s mercy endureth forever, our praise should endure forever: if His goodness never ceases, our thanksgiving should never be silent.”
We can still give thanks to our good God that He is King of kings and Lord of lords. He is the God of all creation who brought everything into existence. He still defends us and keeps His people safe.
We should be those who continually give thanks for no greater reason than our God is continually merciful toward us.
Oh, give thanks to the God of heaven! For His mercy endures forever. – Psalm 136:26
I’ll leave you with the words of an old song we used to sing and encourage you to sing your song of thanksgiving today.
O give thanks to the Lord,
All you His people,
O give thanks to the Lord for He is good.
Let us praise, let us thank,
Let us celebrate and dance,
O give thanks to the Lord for He is good.
Be wonderfully blessed!
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