Category: choices

Open the eyes of your heart

Open the eyes of your heart My prayer for us all today is that God continues to open the eyes of our heart. Therefore I also, after I heard of [...]

Continual praise

Continual praise. How often do we praise God? You might find yourself praising God when something good happens to you or when you’re feeling particularly blessed and that’s good. There [...]

Beauty, Joy and a garment of Praise

Beauty, Joy and a garment of Praise Isaiah 61 is a powerful word for us and a great reminder of the calling that Christ had come to fulfil. It’s also [...]

Grow and be sure of your faith

Grow and be sure of your faith Here is what God laid on my heart this morning. It helps to give us a certainty in what we believe. Grace and [...]

Treasure within

Treasure within I’ve been really encouraged by a simple piece of scripture which clearly lays out our position in the eternal plan of God and the power which is placed [...]

Keep doing good stuff

Keep doing good stuff Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap [...]

Choose the Good Part

CHOOSE THE GOOD PART Choose the good part. Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her [...]