Tag: reward

God is always faithful

God is always Faithful! Today, I am once again blown away by the love and faithfulness of our God toward us. If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot [...]

Don’t miss your suddenly moment

Don’t miss your suddenly moment When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from [...]

Building on firm foundations

Building on firm foundations To build any good and  lasting construction, you first have to start with good strong foundations. Very often, these are the unseen part of any building, [...]

We serve a God of love and justice

We serve a God of love and justice The stories of evil and injustice are constantly hitting the headlines and leaving many with a sense of hopelessness. In times like [...]

Never Forget the goodness of the Lord

Never Forget the goodness of the Lord This simple encouragement could change the way we view our day, our life and even how we view God. Bless the Lord, O [...]

Be hearers and willing doers

Be hearers and willing doers I am inspired by the following quote today: “I used to ask God to help me. Then I asked if I might help Him. I [...]

Transformation in limitation. 

Transformation in limitation. When we find ourselves in times of limitation, we can often feel frustrated, particularly if those constraints are preventing us from living the life we’ve always known [...]

Continual praise

Continual praise. How often do we praise God? You might find yourself praising God when something good happens to you or when you’re feeling particularly blessed and that’s good. There [...]

Beauty, Joy and a garment of Praise

Beauty, Joy and a garment of Praise Isaiah 61 is a powerful word for us and a great reminder of the calling that Christ had come to fulfil. It’s also [...]

Grow and be sure of your faith

Grow and be sure of your faith Here is what God laid on my heart this morning. It helps to give us a certainty in what we believe. Grace and [...]